My mother-in-law passed away in May 2009 of MS. She was truly a wonderful lady. It was really hard for my family as we had lost my father-in-law in 2005 to cancer, my mother in 2006 to a massive heart attack, and my grandmother in 2008 to COPD. My mother-in-law was our Village (around 300 people) mayor for 28 years. At her funeral one of the Village Trustee got up and told some funny stories and talked about what a wonderful woman she was and that the night before the Village Board had voted (unanimously) to rename the Village Hall in my mother-in-law’s honor. It was a HUGE shock to all of us. This past Saturday the Mayor had our family come to the Village Hall to present us with the Resolution renaming the Village Hall and the plaque that now adorns the Village Hall. There was a reporter there from our local paper who took pictures of us with the Mayor and Village Trustees and interviewed my husband. I am anxious to read the article when it comes out in the paper. It was very nice to have all of us together to experience this. After the little ceremony we all went to lunch at a local Italian restaurant (about 20 of us). It was wonderful day!
What a lovely tribute!!! Thanks for sharing this!